The European Potato Processors' Association (EUPPA), the European Potato Trade Association (Europatat), the European Snacks Association (ESA), Copa-Cogeca and the European Starch Industry Association (Starch Europe) are excited to host a unique event to celebrate the International Day of Potato on 27 May 2025, in Brussels (Belgium).
In December 2023, the United Nations General Assembly designated 30 May as the International Day of Potato. This significant occasion provides an opportunity to highlight the potato's multiple nutritional, economic, environmental, and cultural values. It is also a chance to recognise potato as an invaluable food resource and a vital source of income for rural families and professionals involved in the sector.
With this event, we aim to increase awareness about the importance of the potato sector in Europe and globally, highlighting innovative practices along the entire supply chain.
Mark your calendar and do not miss it!